How To Be A Good Listener - And Why It Matters

Effective listening can improve just about every relationship. Yet it’s a skill that most of us aren’t taught. You may be familiar with these common approaches we often take when we listen:

  • Approach #1: Judging the actions of others. 

  • Approach #2: “One-upping” the other person’s problems. 

  • Approach #3: Giving advice. 

And we’re here to share why they don’t work! 

More importantly, we’ll suggest alternate responses that DO build connections as Maria gives us the “Cliff Notes” from her workshop “How to Listen for Real.” Let's break down the barriers to effective communication and learn the importance of listening skills together!

When we listen well, we confirm to the other person

that what they're sharing is valid. 

- Maria Winters

Your takeaways from the show:

  • Understand the power of validation in strengthening communication and building lasting connections.

  • Spot typical listening pitfalls that hinder meaningful conversations.

  • Assess the impact of smartphone addiction on our capacity to truly listen.

  • Discover the fascinating world of internal dialogue and the “me channel” and how they can get in the way of focused listening.

  • Embrace the importance of cultivating and maintaining exceptional listening skills for thriving relationships.

  • Did you have another takeaway you’d like to share? If so, please grab a screenshot of the show, share it on social media, and tag a friend (don’t forget to tag us, too!).

Thanks for listening - if you feel so inclined, we’d really appreciate a 5-star rating and review on Apple podcasts so that others may discover this show…

Let’s rebrand wellness together!

Elizabeth, Tara & Maria

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