How much exercise do you need a day to achieve your health and wellness goals?

Do you know the ideal amount of exercise for your body? Are you curious about whether your health and fitness goals align with attaining optimal health?

We often get questions about how much exercise is needed by our body. But the truth is, it all depends on your fitness goals and what works for you. And, the truth is, what you hear out in diet culture is likely not all that helpful.

Welcome to episode 20 of Wellness: Rebranded podcast! In this episode, we’re giving away fitness tips and tricks that will help you achieve a healthy exercise routine.

We’re here to give you guidelines on sustainable exercise that will fit you and your life. Plus, we’re sharing a load of laughs with some funny stories you won’t want to miss!

If you’re ready to discover how you can achieve a healthy lifestyle through exercise, then tune in and find out about our best fitness tips!

Let’s rebrand wellness together!

Elizabeth, Maura, & Tara

Let’s connect and keep the conversation going!

Tara De Leon, Master Personal Trainer


Instagram: @tara_de_leon_fitness

Maura Tunney, LCSW-C

Elizabeth Harris, , MS, RDN, LDN

FB: Health and Healing with Intuitive Eating community (Link:

Instagram: Elizabeth Harris @elizabeth_harris_rd

Freebie: 5-day mini course, How to Break Up With Dieting For Good:

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