Nine Powerful Questions for Deeper Self Discovery

Our relationship with ourselves is the most important one. Get curious about YOU and get to know yourself better. The more we understand our emotions, abilities, and needs, the more clarification we get on our purpose and what we want for ourselves. This episode is about unveiling your true self through powerful questions and reflection. Today Maria shares nine essential questions to ask yourself to tap into your values and uncover not only your fears but your desires and priorities in life! Join us on this insightful and fun journey about YOU.

When you have good questions to ask, your conversations get way more interesting and the other person can feel listened to, noticed, and seen. But the same goes for us! 

When you have good questions to ask, your conversations get way more interesting and the other person can feel listened to, noticed, and seen. But the same goes for us! 

- Maria Winters

Your takeaways from the show:

  • Perceive the integral function of work-life equilibrium in enriching one's overall satisfaction and wellness.

  • Discover the importance of self-analysis in better understanding our desires and convictions.

  • Explore how pivoting questions can significantly contribute to personal advancement.

  • Delve into the practice of gratitude in molding a positive mindset and view of life.

  • Embrace the indispensability of fear acknowledgment and vulnerability in nurturing personal growth

  • What was YOUR takeaway? Share it on socials and don’t forget to tag us so we can share it too!

Thanks for listening - if you feel so inclined, we’d really appreciate a 5-star rating and review on Apple podcasts so that others may discover this show…

Let’s rebrand wellness together!

Elizabeth, Tara & Maria

Please connect so we can keep the conversation going!

  • Tara De Leon, Master Personal Trainer


Instagram: @tara_de_leon_fitness

  • Maria Winters, LCPC, NCC

Instagram: coaching_therapist

FB: MWcoachingtherapy


  • Elizabeth Harris, MS, RDN, LDN

FB: Health and Healing with Intuitive Eating community

Instagram: Elizabeth Harris @elizabeth_harris_rd

Freebie: 5-day mini-course, How to Break Up With Dieting For Good:

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