Helpful Tips to Promote Body Image Healing

Renowned researcher Brené Brown says, “practicing gratitude invites joy into our lives.”

I’ve heard her say that these findings from over 11,000 pieces of data initially surprised her. Instinctually, she thought it would be the other way around; that those who are joyful would in turn be most grateful.

But nope—it turns out gratitude can unlock joy.

And guess what? This concept is important in body image healing as well!

Actively Practicing Gratitude Can Help with Body Image Healing

Instead of thinking you’ll be more grateful or content with your body when you hit XYZ pounds or fit into such-and-such jeans … one way to begin finding greater body acceptance right now is by actively practicing body gratitude.

How to Be More Grateful for Your Body

Here are a few quick tips to help you get started …

First, show gratitude for things your body allows you to DO rather than what it looks like. This will help shift your focus off of appearance.

Second, even though it may feel weird or uncomfortable at first, try to make this an active practice. For example, you can:

Keep a daily journal in which you give thanks for all the things your body enabled you to do or experience. Don’t just list them—go deep and explore WHY these things matter to you.

Also, when you look at yourself in the mirror, instead of picking apart perceived flaws, try a mindful body scan from head to toe and state why you're grateful for each body part. For example, you might say, I’m grateful that:

💚 my ears let me hear the words “I love you” from my child or my partner

💚 my eyes let me see the beautiful flowers in my garden

💚 my arms let me hug someone I love

💚 my belly lets me eat and digest delicious foods

💚 my hips let me dance and sway

💚 my feet carry me everywhere I want to go

💚 my body lets me nuzzle my dog or swim, bike, or play golf

Body Image Healing Takes Time, Practice, and Patience

Fully healing your body image takes a hearty helping of practice, patience, and perseverance. It won’t happen overnight and you’ll likely need additional tools and/or support.

Still, practicing body gratitude is an excellent tool to help gently shift the narrative in your mind away from negativity and distress, towards greater self-appreciation and kindness.

As a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, I find great joy in helping people develop a healthier relationship with food and their bodies so they can enhance their wellbeing and have a positive body image. Please reach out to me today if you’d like help with body image healing or reaching another health or wellness goal. You deserve to live a happy, healthy lifestyle and I can help you do just that!

Read this blog to help your children combat the harmful effects of today’s diet culture on body image: 3 Tips to Help Kids be More Food and Body Confident


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