FREE 3-Day Challenge:

Why Am I Eating This?

Do you struggle with mindless or emotional eating? Wish you could figure out how to break those deep-rooted patterns and stop regretfully staring at empty cartons of ice cream that you barely remember eating? If so, this challenge is for you!

With Award-Winning Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, Elizabeth Harris

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Tell me if this feels familiar?

You find yourself reaching or a bag of cookies after a tough conversation, even though your stomach is already full from dinner?


You’re feeling overwhelmed by looming deadlines and — even though your promised yourself you wouldn’t — you eat a bag of chips or a candy bar to distract yourself.


You put the kids to bed, sit down in front of the TV… and mindlessly eat popcorn, candy, or cookies most evenings. It’s part of your wind down routine (but you desperately wish it wasn’t).


This type of eating doesn’t feel good — but you don’t know how to break the cycle.

It’s time understand the WHY behind your eating habits… so you can stop feeling as though food is controlling you… and master mindful and intentional eating!

How your free challenge will unfold:

Day 1: Learn how to differentiate between physical and emotional hunger

Goodbye food guilt, regret, and shame! This key skill will help you better meet your body’s needs and make choices that feel good physically and emotionally.

Day 2: Uncover Your Hidden Eating Triggers

Once you know what’s really driving your food urges and emotional eating behaviors, you can tackle the real issues head-on — with tools that actually work — instead of feeling trapped in eating patterns that leave you feeling overly fully and frustrated.

Day 3: Grow Your Self-Awareness

This final day will help you reflect deeply on your relationship with food and gain insights into which habits and thought patterns are helping or hindering you, setting the stage for meaningful, lasting change with your eating habits.

Ready to end the struggle and stress of emotional eating so you can confidently nourish your whole — physical, mental, and emotional — wellbeing?

Lock In Your Spot For Our 3-day “Why Am I Eating This?” Challenge!

It kicks off live on Monday, October 14th!

Meet Your Host:

Hi, I’m Elizabeth, a registered dietitian, nutrition coach, and lover of dark chocolate peanut butter cups. I help women reimagine their relationship with food and their bodies by showing them how to tune out the diet culture noise and tune into themselves, their eating, and their bodies.

It makes me unbelievably happy to show my clients how simple and enjoyable it can be to nourish their whole health. My motto is: “self-care, not self-control.” Because food is meant to be enjoyed guilt-free, movement should make you happy, and we’ve all got better things to do than count carbs or calories!

I have a master’s degree in Nutrition, Healthspan, and Longevity from the University of Southern California. I’m a certified Intuitive Eating counselor, and I’ve participated in far-too-many-hours of body image training and supervision to count. I’m all-in and devoted to bringing my clients expertly trained, professional guidance and the compassionate, informed support they need and deserve to heal, nourish, and thrive.

I’ve helped hundreds of women find lasting food and body peace with Intuitive Eating, gentle nutrition, and body image healing.

When I’m not working, you’ll find me gardening, beekeeping, reading, and traveling the world with my husband and three young adult kids (when we can get them!) — hitting every available farmers’ market along the way.

Move mindfully and compassionately beyond emotional eating.

Save your seat in the 3-day “Why Am I Eating This?” Challenge! 

Kathy M.

"You've given me part of my life back... I can enjoy going out with friends, going to restaurants, and eating and exercising without guilt. I’m so excited to enjoy ALL the nutrients and explore new and creative ways of eating them."

Jen B.

“My time with Elizabeth will stay with me forever. I FEEL better! I have more energy, my runs are better fueled, I have more confidence with nutrition, and I'm so much better at listening to my body and tuning out diet culture.”

Empowered Eating Is Yours For the Taking!

    Sign Me Up For the FREE 3-day Challenge!

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Your answers to the most burning questions about our “Why Am I Eating This?” Challenge

    • Each day of the challenge you’ll receive an email from me packed with insights to help you regain control of your eating, along with bite-sized ways for you put our simple daily action steps into practice. You’ll also be invited to a private Facebook group where you can get your questions answered, share your Challenge progress, and more!

    • The insights and aha moments begin Monday, October 14th!

    • This challenge is perfect for you if you’re ready end your battle with food once and for all. Instead, you’ll discover the essential steps to overcoming emotional eating and so you can lead your eating journey instead of feeling as though food controls you.

    • The Challenge will be delivered to you via email, with lots of opportunities for interaction with me throughout our three days together. All of the emails and videos with our daily action steps are yours to keep, which means you can put them into practice at your convenience. Just make sure you register because that’s the only way to get the daily emails!

    • 100%… the more the merrier! Please share the links with anyone who may be interested.