Confident, Empowered Eating Starts Here!

It’s time to silence the bully in your head who makes you feel stressed out and guilty about food… so you can enjoy eating and nourish yourself with confidence!

With Registered Dietitian and Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, Elizabeth Harris

Do you find yourself second-guessing most every bite of food you eat, wondering if it’s healthy or “clean” enough… or if it has too many calories?

Do you feel guilty or ashamed when you eat yummy foods like ice cream, chips, or even bread and fruit?

Are you often making—and then breaking—bargains with yourself about how many bites you’re “allowed” to eat or how many minutes you need to spend in the gym to make up for a treat?   

If you’re nodding your head yes, this masterclass is for you!

What You’ll Get:

Inside this masterclass, you’ll discover the proven steps and strategies that have helped my clients:

  • Enjoy pizza and popcorn on movie nights with their families — without feeling crazy out of control or shaming themselves the whole evening.

  • Go from tearfully hiding in the kitchen, eating ice cream out of the tub after everyone else has gone to bed because they don’t want to feel judged… to confidently enjoying their favorite foods in the open, guilt-free

  • Silence their constant mental chatter about whether, what, and how much to eat —so they can feel normal with food — not guilty, not deprived, just normal and well-fueled

You’re finally going to understand WHY you feel guilty and stressed out about your eating… and know what to do about it (hint: you don’t need stricter dieting rules or more willpower!).

You’ll learn how to change your inner dialogue and replace your inner food bully with a more supportive nutrition ally that will guide you to better, more enjoyable food choices. 

You’ll gather tools to spot and reframe 5 common types of negative thinking and learn to identify rigid food rules that are keeping you stuck so you can stop worrying about food and save your energy for bigger and more important things.

All of which will help you make feel-good food choices more consistently… paving the way for more enjoyable, healthier eating and a deeper connection to your body’s needs!

What People Are Saying:

Meet Your Host:

I know how difficult it is to struggle with your body image and how isolating and overwhelming it can feel to try to change it.

Fortunately, you don’t have to walk this healing journey alone. I’ve helped hundreds of people just like you understand and get to the deeper root of their body image struggles… process their unhealed dieting wounds… and learn to happily nourish their physical, mental, and emtional, health and wellbeing (what I like to call whole health).

In my work as a dietitian, I’m all about helping you break up with diet culture and tune out the food noise so you can tune into your body’s innate eating wisdom and find flexible, enjoyable nutrition strategies that work for YOU.

Hi, I’m Elizabeth, a registered dietitian, certified Intuitive Eating counselor, and lover of dark chocolate, books, and gardening. I help women transform their relationship with food and their bodies.

Think: life-changing food and body peace that enables you to show up in your life more happily, healthfully, and whole-heartedly.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • The live masterclass will take place Thursday, September 12 at 6:30 p.m. EST.

    Don’t worry, there WILL BE A REPLAY if you can’t attend live!

  • Yes! As long as you join the live masterclass, you’ll be able to ask and get answers to your questions. (Please note: I’m unable to provide personalized medical nutrition therapy in this setting.)

  • I’ll teach you the proven steps and essential tools you need to silence your mean inner food critic—and ditch eating guilt or shame—once and for all.

    Of course, if you’d like additional support weaving these principles into your life or changing your mindset and habits around food, you can reach out for a free strategy call with me here.

  • Once you register, you have access to it all for life—everything will be in your email inbox!