Nourish + Flourish

A Summer Food and Body Reset

Ditch Diet Culture, Embrace the Happy, Healthful Life You Deserve

Tired of the endless cycle of diets and “beach body fixes” that promise the world but leave you feeling deprived, miserable, and more and more exhausted every summer?

Say goodbye to toxic diet culture! We’re transforming how you care for your body + wellbeing and charting your new course towards lasting food and body peace.

Nourish + Flourish is a 6-week group coaching experience that will give you the tools you need to protect yourself from harmful diet culture and prioritize your Whole Health this summer. You’ll learn how to boost your nutrition and energy levels without sacrificing the foods you love. You’ll get expert support to challenge negative food and body talk… separate dieting myths from nutrition facts… tune into your hunger and fullness cues… and so much more.

All while stringing together simple acts of invigorating and meaningful self-care!

Overhead view of blueberries overflowing from ceramic bowl with blueberries scattered on surface alongside a slice of bright pink grapefruit.

Intuitive Eating and Self-Care Practices that Nourish Your Body and Soul

Let’s reimagine how you approach food, health, and your body from here on out!

With Nourish + Flourish, you can stop dieting and start thriving.

Here's how:

  • Get tools to protect yourself from toxic diet culture so the endless “beach body” and other harmful messaging doesn’t send you into a fit of self-loathing

  • Learn how to release food guilt and shame so you can enjoy ice cream and barbecues with your familywithout beating yourself up or feeling like a failure

  • Reframe how you think about food… so you can stop “should-ing” all over yourself and feel more confident in what and how you’re eating

  • Connect with your hunger and fullness cues and other essential body wisdom

  • Take inspired, health-promoting action to fuel your happier, healthier, more peaceful relationship with food and your body

All for just $555!

Meet Your Top-Rated Intuitive Eating Coach

Hey there! I'm Elizabeth, a registered dietitian, certified Intuitive Eating counselor, and your virtual nutrition coach. I was recently voted Best Nutritionist for the second year in a row by What’s Up? Annapolis magazine.

I know that life can be hectic, and prioritizing yourself and your nutrition can sometimes feel overwhelming. That's why I'm here to help you nourish your health and wellbeing without the added stress and shame of harmful diet culture.

You don’t need to count, track, or measure what you eat or avoid long lists of foods to eat well and feel good. Rather than telling you what to eat, I want to show you HOW to eat to fuel your best, rest of your life.

I’m all about helping you tune out the deafening nutrition noise so you can tune into your body’s wisdom with flexible nutrition and health-promoting self-care.

Because food is meant to be enjoyed, movement should make you happy, and we’ve all got better things to do than count carbs!

  • Every Wednesday at 11 a.m. EST for 6 weeks, we’ll gather virtually for a LIVE Intuitive Eating lesson and coaching session. Sessions will last for 45-60 minutes with time for group discussion and questions.

  • I’ll introduce the topic for the week, teach you what you need to know, and share simple, practical ways you can put what you’ve learned into action over the next 7 days.

  • You’ll get a variety of resources, guided self-reflection exercises, and other tools to help you have a happier, healthier relationship with food and your body.

  • Get support, encouragement, and inspiration from other folks committed to ditching diet culture and embracing their Whole Health in a private members-only portal.

How The Program Works

A woman's hands holding a white, ceramic colander rinsing blackberries under faucet stream.

And the best part?

You don’t just get my expert support and guidance to help you thrive… you get a whole community of like-minded individuals who not only committed to their own healing and growth but standing by, ready to cheer you on every step of the way too!

Because of this, live attendance is encouraged, but sessions will be recorded because I live in the real world, too, and I understand that stuff happens.

“My time with Elizabeth was a gift...she got me on the “right path” to healthy living with practical tools and helpful directives. Elizabeth is sincere and positive; she gave me nutrition tools I will use forever to maintain a life with joy.”

— Cindy P.

“I was a bit hesitant about whether I would be able to stick with the changes Elizabeth would recommend but I needn’t have worried as everything was doable and sustainable. My cravings have decreased, I have more energy, and I think about food, eating, and my health so much more flexibly and holistically.”

— Leslie A.

“I wholeheartedly recommend Elizabeth for nutrition coaching. She focuses on sustainable mindset shifts that will stay with you long beyond her work with you. She is approachable and understanding; I love the way she approaches nutrition!”

— Erin B.

Sign up for Nourish + Flourish today!

Ready to nourish, flourish, and THRIVE with me? Ditch the endless cycle of diets and say hello to the happy, healthful life and peaceful relationship with food you deserve.

Better health. Less overwhelm. More food joy.