
I’m so excited to share my 10-day video series with you…

INFORMED: Diet Culture Truth Bombs You Need to Know Before Changing A Thing About Your Eating in January

Here’s what you need to know (and do) now.

1.     Mark your calendars — the first video will drop on Wednesday, January 3 at 9 a.m. and I’ll release one new value-packed video each of the 10 days after that

2. Check your email inbox (and mark my email address, livehealthy@elizabethharrisnutrition, as safe) — I’ve just sent you an email recapping the program details and sharing a few Intuitive Eating goodies you can dive into right away!

3.     Join my Facebook community, Health and Healing with Intuitive Eating. Don’t skip this step, as this is where I’ll be going live with the short (5 minutes or less) daily videos that will help you protect yourself from toxic diet culture and get unstuck with food in 2024.

4.     Do you know someone else who would benefit from this series? Share this link and invite them to do the Challenge with you!