3 helpful questions to ask yourself before meals

I’m all about making nutrition simple, satisfying–and most importantly–sustainable. After all, what’s the point of making changes you know at the outset you can’t or won’t want to stick with long term.

I firmly believe that:

  • You should ENJOY what you’re eating, first and foremost

  • Focusing on foods and behaviors to ADD to your diet and routines instead of what to take away is the secret to long-lasting success with gentle nutrition

  • All foods can fit in a health-promoting diet without guilt

  • Life’s far too short to spend your precious time counting carbs or calories

With these firm principles in mind, below are 3 questions I teach my clients to ask before most of their meals. I purposefully say “most” not “all” meals because one key to finding a “forever” approach to healthful eating is getting away from perfectionist thinking around nutrition and health habits; a for-the-most-part mindset is far more practical!

  1. What do I WANT to eat?

  2. Will this make me feel the way I want to feel right now?

  3. What can I ADD to this meal to make it more satisfying or nutrient dense?

Here’s why these questions are so effective:

One, they help you choose foods that will be satisfying. This is not only a requirement for pleasurable eating but it also helps you find your comfortable stopping point. Two, they help you tune into your body and its eating cues mindfully and with intention; and three, they gently encourage you to up the nutrient density of your meals.

I call that a win-win-win!

P.S I want to let you know that the doors to my September Thrive Tribe Intuitive Eating group coaching program are NOW OPEN. In this small, high-touch coaching group I’ll walk you through 4 phases of healing:

  • UNdieting: I’ll show you how to break up with all the conflicting and maddening “food rules” that cause stress, guilt, and healthful eating overwhelm

  • Attuned eating: You'll learn how to tune into your hunger, fullness, and other innate eating cues so you can ditch calorie counting, food tracking, and/or measuring your portion sizes—for good

  • Shifting to self-care: Stop searching for more willpower and self-control and learn how to prioritize authentic, health-promoting self-care instead

  • Body image healing: Get tools and support to feel more confident and comfortable in your own skin without chasing weight loss

Not only will I be with you every step of the way, but you'll also get the support and encouragement of a caring community of individuals who also want to enhance their health and wellbeing by finding food and body peace with Intuitive Eating and gentle, flexible nutrition strategies! 💕

Click here to set up a call and learn more! Seats are limited.


How to Challenge an All-or-Nothing Mindset Around Food and Exercise


3 bean salad