FREE 5-Day Challenge:

Discover Intuitive Eating

Feel better about food and yourself (without chasing weight loss or sacrificing foods you love)!

With Award-Winning Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, Elizabeth Harris

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Imagine Being Able To:

  • Make feel-good food choices—consistently—without having to count calories, track what you eat, OR swear off foods you love

  • Eat and enjoy your favorite foods (yes, even ice cream and chips), without binging or feeling guilty 

  • Throw away your scale and embrace and celebrate your body just as it is

Sound great? If so, join me in this free challenge, and let’s chart your new course toward a happier, healthier relationship with food, self-care, and yourself!

How the challenge works:

Day 1: Release the Blocks to Confident, Feel-Good Eating

Discover the biggest obstacle standing between you and a stress-free, feel-good way of eating. Then, learn the first, most important steps you must take to improve your relationship with food and yourself.

Bonus: you’ll begin feeling the impact of the steps I’m going to teach you immediately!

Day 2: The Key Skill You Must Build to Eat Intuitively

Hint: It’s so much simpler than you think!

I’ll share the most fundamental skill you need to create a simple, sustainable way of eating that tastes good, feels good, and supports your whole health and wellbeing.

No more driving yourself mad, trying to count points or calories or log every bite of food you eat (or feeling as though you should be)!

Day 3: UNdiet Your Mindset

Are dieting rules and conflicting nutrition messages driving you mad? Today, we’re going to sort out the dieting myths from the nutrition facts so you can stop feeling confused and overwhelmed and start taking meaningful, health-promoting action!

Day 4: Stop The Binge

Imagine going to a restaurant, ordering what you really want to eat, and then stopping when you’re full (even if there’s still food on your plate). Or enjoying pizza and popcorn on movie nights with your family without regretting your lack of self-discipline OR feeling deprived.

I’m going to teach you the single most important shift that helps my clients go from feeling obsessed about sweets to forgetting they’re even in the pantry!

Day 5: Your Path Towards Body Peace

♥ What if you could feel comfortable looking at yourself in photos?

♥ Get dressed without beating up on yourself or your body?

♥ Or do all the things you want to do right now instead of telling yourself you need to lose weight first?

On Day 5, I’m going to show you the path toward a more peaceful, respectful relationship with your here-and-now body. Because believe it or not, the peace you’re searching for doesn’t come from shrinking your body—it comes from freeing yourself of the belief that the smallest version of you is the best version of you!

Food and Body Peace Are Yours for the Taking!

Lock In Your Spot for the 5-day “Discover Intuitive Eating” Challenge! 

Meet Your Host:

Hi, I’m Elizabeth, a registered dietitian, nutrition coach, and lover of dark chocolate peanut butter cups who helps women break up with dieting and the scale so they can reimagine their relationships with food, movement, and themselves.

It makes me unbelievably happy to show my clients how simple and enjoyable prioritizing their health and nutrition can be. My motto is: “self-care, not self-control.” Because food is meant to be enjoyed guilt-free, movement should make you happy, and we’ve all got better things to do than count carbs or calories!

I have a master’s degree in Nutrition, Healthspan, and Longevity from the University of Southern California. I’m a certified Intuitive Eating counselor, and I’ve participated in far-too-many-hours of body image training and supervision to count. I’m all-in and devoted to bringing my clients expertly trained, professional guidance and the compassionate, informed support they need and deserve to heal and thrive.

I’ve helped hundreds of women find lasting food and body peace with Intuitive Eating, gentle nutrition, and body image healing.

When I’m not working, you’ll find me gardening, beekeeping, reading, and traveling the world with my husband and three teenagers—hitting every available farmers’ market along the way.

Food and Body Peace Are Yours for the Taking!

Lock In Your Spot for the 5-day “Discover Intuitive Eating” Challenge! 

Kathy M.

"You've given me part of my life back... I can enjoy going out with friends, going to restaurants, and eating and exercising without guilt. I’m so excited to enjoy ALL the nutrients and explore new and creative ways of eating them."

Jen B.

“My time with Elizabeth will stay with me forever. I FEEL better! I have more energy, my runs are better fueled, I have more confidence with nutrition, and I'm so much better at listening to my body and tuning out diet culture.”

Food and Body Peace Are Yours for the Taking!

Lock In Your Spot for the 5-day “Discover Intuitive Eating” Challenge!

Frequently Asked Questions

Your answers to the most burning questions about our “Discover Intuitive Eating” Challenge

  • Each day of the challenge you’ll receive an email from me with a pre-recorded video packed with Intuitive Eating gold—along with bite-sized ways for you put our simple daily action steps into practice. You’ll also be invited to a private Facebook group where you can get your questions answered, share your Challenge progress, and more!

  • This challenge is perfect for you if you’re ready to get off the food struggle bus once and for all. That means no more dieting, feeling confused about what you’re “supposed” to eat, or battling cravings that make you feel like you’re losing your mind. Instead, you’ll learn the key steps to trusting your body’s innate eating cues and enjoying ALL foods—guilt-free—while prioritizing your health and wellbeing.

  • The Challenge will be delivered to you via email, with lots of opportunities for interaction with me throughout our 5 days together. All of the emails and videos with our daily action steps are yours to keep, which means you can put them into practice at your convenience. Just make sure you register because that’s the only way to get the daily emails!

  • 100%… the more the merrier! Please share the links with anyone who may be interested.